
connect with us

Every person is different and has different needs and desires. We want to connect with you right where you are. Whether you are new to church, new to Nashville or even new to America, we want to connect with you.

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Woodmont kids

Healthy spiritual development, love and partnering with families are at the center of Woodmont Kids. We help families do the hard work of raising the next generation.

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Woodmont student ministry

We support families as their students search for identity, belonging and purpose. In healthy community students grow into their own faith.

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College / Young adult ministry

We are an intergenerational community that combines spiritual mentorship with opportunities to impact our city and future generations. Your passions and gifts are important to our church

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Adults ministry

Connection with God and each other is at the center of adult ministry. Through Bible classes, small groups, shared meals, and service opportunities you will begin to find your place in God’s mission.

caring Ministry

We welcome immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers here. (Translate)

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Four times a year we host a three week Connect Class for people who are interested in becoming part of the Woodmont Hills Church Family. Email Meredith to sign up for the next class!

Connect to Serve 


Serve the world with us. You have gifts to give and the compassion of God living in you. By connecting to serve in community we share the love of God in our city, state and world. Serving is more than doing good things; it is saying to God, “Teach me to see what you see.” 

Click the + to expand ministry descriptions



Rietta Turner | EMAIL

Christian Community Services Inc. (CCSI) provides resources, tools and encouragement to move people from government dependence to self-sufficiency through its financial literacy programs. Serve by being a mentor or helping kids with homework.


Julie Obregón | EMAIL

We keep a stocked pantry of goods to provide to people who have needs for groceries. We are known among the hurting community as a place that still provides food to hungry people. Serve with your whole family by bringing bags of food, writing a note of encouragement, or making a financial donation.


Grace for the Wounded Journey Groups

Cindy Elmore | cindyelmore@att.net grace@woodmont.org

We help create authentic community where people are heard, loved, and healed together. This is a safe place to walk through the healing process of brokenness, find redemption in your story, share and receive the everlasting love of Jesus. This is an opportunity for you to serve or have your needs met.

Caregivers Support Group

Christine Tomlin | EMAIL

Join a support group for individuals who are giving care to loved ones. Share stories, resources and support with people who are relied upon to give constant care



John Bass | EMAIL

For over 20 years, Woodmont Hills has been a participating church in the Habitat Unity Build. If you have ever worked on a Habitat home, you know how rewarding an experience it is. Serve by signing up for the build each fall.


Tom Barry | EMAIL

Host, encourage, and feed teenagers and pre-teenagers from Tony Sudekum and University Court neighborhoods. Serve on a team that loves to have fun, provide meals, share faith, build community, play basketball, rap, create art and more. Our goal is to love our young neighbors in a safe environment.


John Sullivan | EMAIL

Love Engaged is a missional movement that has been the whole-church answer to God’s call to get involved. By reaching, engaging, and amplifying, through our financial support we are participants in God’s greater mission in the world. See www.woodmontloveengaged.com learn more.



Julie Obregón | EMAIL

Nashville is an epicenter for new Americans that migrated to the U.S. recently. By cooperating with local non-profit resettlement organizations, New Friends, New Families serves immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers by becoming friends and family to them. Groups form around a common goal: to be good neighbors and welcome newly resettled families to our city. These groups can form from existing Life Groups or can continue as new Life Group.


Becky Tallon | EMAIL

This group of seamstresses and tailors gather to sew or knit items for global missions, homeless people, students at school and more. You can join us on Wednesday mornings as we stitch together or you can pick up a project on Sundays to complete at home.


David Neal | EMAIL


Hosts men from the Mission downtown on our campus Monday evenings November – March. Serve by providing food, staying overnight with the men as an Innkeeper, or come by to visit and pray with the men.



Libby Simons & Darlene Neal | EMAIL

Provide food for people serving the patients in the hospital. Serve by joining a team of people who prepare sack lunches for those at Vanderbilt Hospital. This group meets every second Saturday of the month at 9:00am.


Paulette Cathey | EMAIL

Serve teachers, students and administrators in our local public schools. We engage students to transform communities. Serve by being a tutor, mentor, classroom aid, or after-school event helper.

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 Ministers and leaders around the world share the love of Christ with citizens of their own native country because of partnerships with Woodmont Hills’ Missions Ministry. Consistent church backing ensures year—over—year continued work. Join us as we pray for global missions, partner with us by traveling to one of our mission sites, or give a gift to help us continue sharing God’s love in 11 global locations.  

Click the + to expand Mission Site descriptions



Valentin is minister of the El Viejo church in one of the poorest areas in northwest Nicaragua. He also works with the Las Brisas and Leon congregations which oversee agricultural and pig co-ops that have helped many families become self-sufficient. Valentin manages a student education program funded by Woodmont Hills that enables 50 children to attend school each year who would otherwise be unable to get a formal education. The El Viejo church has continued to grow during the two years of political unrest in Nicaragua.



A Baxter Institute graduate, Efrain focuses his work in San Miguel, a city of over 500,000. Efrain is highly respected in the community and is a mentor and example to many local preachers, while he leads the very active San Nicholas congregation. With a long-time student education program funded by Woodmont Hills, a strong next generation of Christians is being raised in El Salvador, and some of the young men are already taking preaching roles in various churches in the area.



Boanerges is the lead minister overseeing all work of the Santiago de Maria church in the mountainous eastern area of the country. A focus on the youth often tempted by gang involvement has been an important mission of this church, and a youth minister was hired in 2017 to reach out and bring more teenagers into the church. Scholarships for needy children are also provided by Woodmont Hills to help with fees, school supplies and uniforms that are required for school enrollment but not affordable by most families.




Eder joined our ministry work in El Salvador in late 2016 and planted the first church of Christ in El Rebalse, a heavily gang-controlled area of San Miguel. Eder’s gift is discipleship, and his focus is on teaching and equipping young adults in leadership and guiding others toward righteous living as followers of Jesus. The outreach of Eder and his wife has blessed and encouraged the very poor and those seeking hope in the community.



This Jesus-modeled ministry was birthed in Mumbai, India, in 2007 with the mission of leading women out of the demeaning and destructive profession of prostitution, in addition to rescuing girls who have been driven into sex trafficking. Spiritual mentoring is provided for the women who are part of Tamar, along with providing basic initial needs, medical care, and training for job opportunities for their future. When one of the Tamar leaders in Mumbai had to escape to Kolkata (Calcutta) in 2018, she took with her a great passion for the Lord and a desire to rescue sex workers there. The Tamar Kolkata ministry has been very successful in its brief life, with many baptisms.




Asher Kaleem is our new missions partner in Pakistan and follows in the footsteps of our late, long-time missionary Eric Masih who passed away in April 2021. Asher was mentored by Brother Eric for 16 years and is a familiar face to the Christian community in that country. Asher provides teaching and spiritual encouragement to numerous congregations in the Lahore area of his native country, including on-line worship and classes since the start of the pandemic. He is presently involved in an effort to help 33 refugee families become resettled after their recent flight to Pakistan.



Dr. Sierra is a Guatemalan medical doctor supported by Woodmont Hills through Health Talents International. Serving as medical director of Clinica Ezell, he also operates mobile clinics throughout the surrounding rural area treating the Mayan Indian population, most of whom live in abject poverty. His spiritual significance is realized in the number of patients who desire his prayer over their lives. North American surgeons volunteer their time to perform surgery, and local Christians do follow-up while sharing the love of Christ with patients.



Because we believe in nurturing interest in missions among young people, Woodmont Hills annually allocates a portion of its missions budget for partial funding of short-term, foreign mission trips. It is not uncommon to hear that these are life-changing experiences for the students. At this time, priority is given to college-age young people with a connection to Woodmont Hills and to areas where we have a missionary presence.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.
— — 1 Corinthians 12:4-7