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A Note from meredith

Come as you are, encounter God, and be transformed. This is the heart of Adult Ministry at Woodmont Hills Church. In Gathered Worship we serve all adults, children, visitors, online guests, and all participants. We invite everyone to be transformed by encounters with God and one another! Discover the gifts God has given you and be encouraged to use those gifts to love God and love God’s people. Get engaged through life groups, support groups, hospitality, pastoral care, local and overseas missions and worship.



Meet our Church Life Minister, Meredith, and Worship Minister, Chris. There are lots of opportunities to connect and find community. We are gathered at worship here at Woodmont Hills, but we are also sent out into our communities to serve. We hope you will want to come and be part of our family. 


+ Men's Ministry


Woodmont Hills Men’s Ministry purpose is to challenge our men to step up with purposeful strength and courage to say,

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The mission of the men's ministry is quite simple: we want to assist in developing opportunities and relationships that will promote the growth of Godly men in the areas of Service, Fellowship, Spirituality, Family and Marriage.


+ Women's Ministry


Women of Woodmont Hills strives to create relationships and further devotion to Jesus Christ in everything we do. We believe in service to others, encouragement, and fun! We would love to have you at our events!


+ SALT Ministry


The Senior Activity Leadership Team (SALT), a ministry of Woodmont Hills Church, exists to serve our senior members (senior-identified as individuals who are age 50 and beyond) and our community. We are committed to providing opportunities for spiritual growth, service and social connection.


One of the best ways to connect to others at Woodmont Hills Church is by attending a Sunday or Wednesday class. These classes offer engaging opportunities to study scripture, share life and explore what God may have for our future.



Life Groups meet together and are intentional about practicing each part of Woodmont Hills’ mission – Love God, Love Each Other, Love the World. Our life groups have different rhythms that may include study, sharing meals, fellowship, childcare if needed and service to the community. To join a Life Group email Meredith Moseley