Begin now! A new family recently arrived.

Leader: Andrew Phay

Who can participate?  3 to 8 members per team. The leader of a team is experienced in mentoring refugee families. We all learn from watching, listening and talking with one another. Your children/grandchildren are wonderful with refugee children. We are enriched and our faith strengthened by loving and being loved by refugees.

What will I do? Some members of the team meet weekly with the family for six months. No one is expected to attend every week. Team members will work on a different task (e.g. English, school, health, etc.) or with a different family member under the supervision and direction of the team leader. We strive to love refugees as Jesus loves us.

Training: Resettlement agencies are the referral sources for new refugee families and require a few hours of training, fingerprints and a background check. All team members will meet with the team leader prior to contact with the refugee family.  

How do I start?If you want to participate contact Andrew Phay and he will get you started with the next group.

Leader Contact:Andrew Phay or Julie Obregon