Once a month on Tuesday afternoons September - May from 3:30pm to 7:30pm.

Leaders: Kathy Reynolds & Becky Tallon

Who can participate? Adults 18 or above.

What will I do? No advanced cooking skills required, just a desire to serve. Usually need help in chopping foods for salads or fruit trays, cutting desserts, serving the food. Develop relationships with others you are serving with and with those you serve.

How do I start? Reach out to leaders

Registration deadline: Before August 15

Leader Contact:

Each team prepares food and cleans up once a month for the CCSI staff, mentees and their children, tutors, mentors and food team. Their mission is "Empowering underserved families, through caring relationships, to achieve a legacy of social, spiritual, and economic self-sufficiency."

They have :
* served over 338 families in Mentoring towards Independence
* helped 155 to achieve purchasing their home as of November 2022
* their graduates have contributed over 20 million dollars to the local economy in total home sales in last 25 years